Σας ειχα υποσχεθεί συνεντευξη και αν και στο εξωτερικο τους τελευταιους μηνες, το εκανα πραγματικοτητα. Θελω να ευχαριστησω την Μαιρη Κυριακου, που ανελαβε τον ρολο του δημοσιογραφου, σε ενα απο τα ταξιδια της στην μαμα πατριδα. Ολοκληρο το κειμενο θα αναρτηθει στο goodreads απο την Μαιρη οταν αποφασισει να φτιαξει το βιβλιο φαν κλαμπ που συζηταμε μηνες τωρα. Ενα μεγαλο ευχαριστω και στον Jason Sandaris για την απομαγνητοφωνηση.
και φυσικα στον Αγγελο, που μας εστειλε και σε αποκλειστικοτητα το Book Trailer !
........................................................................................................ June 11 2011,
Mary Kyriakou: Let me tell you that it is great seeing you up close and personal, after almost two years. Many things happened in between, me changing countries and all and you at last publishing your book.
Angelo Tsanatelis: It is always a pleasure seeing you Mary, you've become my number one fan and it is a good thing you found the time to visit, skype just doesn't do you any justice.
Mary : It is the English weather, it messes with my skin. But tell me about the book, that is the juicy part. It is out now from Smashwords, it's been sold as an ebook at a number of places...
Angelo : True. I self-published as you know, with the help of Smashwords, a difficult step and a painful procedure, but writing is a high reward job and I am not talking financially here. The book is called the Living Sword Chronicles, you've read it and reviewed it at Barnes & Noble and I thank you for that. It is the first of what hopefully will be a tetralogy, that is four novels that will tell the story of the Living Sword.
Mary : Let me step in here, when I originally talked to you about this story, it was 2007, we go back a few years, it was to be a trilogy, what happened exactly?
Angelo : Well, you are right and very few people know this of course. The first volume of the Living Sword Chronicles series, the Origins, was actually along with the coming Lodge & the Tribe, a single volume. I decided to split them, thus the tetralogy.
Mary : Was it a matter of size, I ask because I know, you are on the verge of a paperback edition and as I've heard from many authors in the past years, when we are talking real paper, size does matter and costs, I might add.
Angelo : Well it was going to be a behemoth, something close to 200.000 words, but no, the main reason for the split up, was the story itself. You've read it as I said, along with a lot of people, that I must thank here and I hope you are going to publish this someday, and I was saying, that it is a very fast forward story. Compact. It has, a certain number of characters, but mostly it deals with this kid growing up, trying to survive. I realized as I was finishing it, that it is a different story in a way, a prologue, thus the origins part. The second reason was that it is extremely violent at times, sometimes at the expense of character built up intentionally. I wanted it to be read like this, at a running pace almost, hard and without much room for thought, because that was the way the main character, perceived the story. You can't expect from a teenager to over-analyze things. And it is the story of a teenager mainly. His choices, his words, his actions.
Mary : It is the story of the Living Sword though, because in the end, it is the connecting point of the whole thing.
Angelo : Philip, the boy we are talking about, is the main character. The Living Sword of course, is always in the picture, because it is the Macguffin, the plot element that drives the story on, you are right, the connecting point.
Mary : What is the Living Sword?
Angelo : Well I was asked about this a couple of times...
Mary : Apologies for being repetitive
Angelo : No, it is not that, no apology is necessary, you are talking like my English teacher, the Living Sword is... and will prove to be, time and time again, in the series, a weapon. It was built as one and it will behave mainly as one throughout. But inside that weapon, resides an actual living being, actually a number of them,
Mary : How is that possible?
Angelo : It was forged that way through magic. Its original and I guess its only name is the Prison Sword after all. Some... people, that I will address, in another story, at a later time, had these amazing abilities and used them to make the sword. They made a lot of them, but this one was special, because it was a prison.
Mary : You are talking about the Three Realms now.
Angelo : Yes.
Mary : Okay, so after the split up, the Origins came out, which I read of course and liked. It had some parts that for me were a little difficult to swallow, like the romance angle. What was this thing with the Princess? How do you go from what seemed to be a sure thing, what with the visions and all, to a country girl? No spoilers, okay, let's just leave this one at that, or maybe an answer with a few words? And tell us a bit about the paperback that is in its final stages.
Angelo : The visions were what they were. Glimpses of a future. The explanation or interpretation of them belonged to Philip, the reader I believe, has a clearer picture of what was going on. It is a future that will happen... possibly. The paperback edition is ready. Amazon will have it ready for selling, I guess in a month or so, along with Createspace. It is a 238 page edition, a classic 5x8 size book, a pretty little thing and it will come at reasonable prize, can I say it? 12.49 $ I am really excited about the paperback, it is a fantastic feeling having the actual book in your hands.
Mary :The Rootless.
Angelo : Well, we talked about the split up, the Rootless is a tie in novelette, that explains some of the stuff, mainly about the emerging character I introduced at the end of Origins. We follow this character in a journey across the ancient world and we arrive with him, in I hope a smooth way, to the Lodge & the Tribe.
Mary : I will take this opportunity then to ask you about the upcoming, Book II: the Lodge & the Tribe.
Angelo : This is the story I am working on for the last year. It is different from the Origins, because it brings many new characters to the table and the return of the detailed versions of a lot of older ones, along with crazy plotting, manipulative plans, a new race, a mythology and of course a lot of action. Because it is written at different pace and with a different technique, two stories, each at a different time period, it will have more building up of the characters, meaning we will get to know them this time, a lot of side stories, that will address a number of themes and subjects and of course the return of the most important character of them all. The Living Sword.
Το υπολοιπο της συνεντευξης οπως ειπα θα δημοσιευτει απο την Μαιρη, μαλλον στο goodreads η στο μπλογκ της. Ενα μεγαλο ευχαριστω και στους δυο και κυριως στον Αγγελο για την αποκλειστικοτητα. Οπως σας ειπα και την αλλη φορα, για οσους απολαμβανουν την Επικη Φαντασια ειναι ενα βιβλιο, που θα το ευχαριστηθουν. Καλο καλοκαιρι σε ολους και στην τρελοπαρεα απο τα γκουντριντς ευχομαι καλο διαβασμα στην παραλια.
Ενα βιβλίο, σκοτεινής επικής φαντασίας ( Μαγοι, βαμπιρ, Ιπποτες, Damsel in distress που λενε και οι Αγγλοι) απο ενα καλο φίλο μου, ο οποίος το παιδευε απο οσο γνωριζω καμποσα χρονια. Φαινεται ενδιαφερον για οποιον εχει κουραγιο να διαβασει στα Αγγλικά, ριξτε του μια ματιά απο οτι ακούω θα εχει και συνέχεια, αντε καλη επιτυχία gelouko και κατέβα καμια βόλτα στο νησί.
PS. Θα το βρειτε στην Smashwords.com
στη σελίδα
The Living Sword Chronicles (Book I: Origins) by Angelo Tsanatelis